Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Management and Leadership
The Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Management and Leadership provides a nationally recognised qualification for individuals and is suitable across all occupations and sectors of employment and is aimed at individuals who have the ability and the opportunity to demonstrate recognisable management skills.
The awarding body for the qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The specification for this qualification has been approved by the Welsh Government for use by centres in Wales and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) for use by centres in Northern Ireland.
The qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF);
it is directly related to the National Occupational Standards for Management and Leadership and provides a progression route the Level 7 NVQ Diploma in Management.
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.
An initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify any gaps and help plan the assessment is carried out.
This qualification is competence-based, candidates must demonstrate the level of competence described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.
Each candidate is required to produce a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates their achievement of all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.
Evidence can include:
Observation report by assessor
Professional discussion
Witness testimony
Candidate product
Record of oral and written questioning
Recognition of Prior Learning
Units: To achieve the qualification candidates must complete all of the mandatory Units:
1. Contribute to the development of a strategic plan
2. Design business processes
3. Manage strategic change
4. Provide leadership and management
Units: The Candidate must also achieve a minimum of 23 credits from the optional units
5. Establish business risk management processes 5
6. Promote equality of opportunity, diversity, and inclusion 5
7. Develop and manage collaborative relationships with other organisations 5
8. Optimise the use of technology 6
9. Manage product and/or service development 5
10. Develop and maintain professional networks 3
11. Develop and implement an operational plan 5
12. Encourage learning and development 3
13. Discipline and grievance management 3
14. Develop working relationships with stakeholders 4
15. Manage a tendering process 4
16. Manage physical resources 4
17. Manage the impact of work activities on the environment 4
18. Prepare for and support quality audits 3
19. Conduct quality audits 3
20. Manage a budget 4
21. Manage a project 7
22. Manage business risk 6
23. Manage knowledge in an organisation 5
24. Recruitment, selection and induction practice 6
25. Manage redundancy and redeployment 6
26. Lead the development of a knowledge management strategy 7
27. Lead the development of a quality strategy 4
28. Lead the development of a continuous improvement strategy 5
29. Manage strategic marketing activities 7
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